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Draft Script Treatment Report





The story begins in the “Truth Ministries” in Brixton. It is a vibrant service, the congregation are ecstatic and the music is Holy Spirit filled.

Granny isa-dora

Granny isa dora 1895


“I could complain but I wont, God has been good to me. This  how I remembered it, Church with Mama Sita was just like this. After a life of crime I have now become a member of the Truth Ministries, let me tell you why. Praise the Lord.


It is a peaceful day in Portland Cottage, the women wash clothes in wooden tubs, while the children and animals amble in unison. The sun shines in a clear blue sky. Dennis is out on the veranda, he paces to and fro with impatience, as he listens to the groans being emitted from Sita inside the room. Dennis is already the proud father of two girls linel and Tina, so he hopes for a boy this time. A loud wail signals the arrival of his first-born son.Dennis is delighted with the new arrival. He has at last got an heir to leave his cows and donkeys to. The Baby is aptly called Basil.


Dennis has been toying with the idea of going to foreign for some time now, with all the stories that are being circulated in the local rum bar about people picking money up from the streets, the attraction proves almost unbearable. The British Government are also now advertising for railway workers, bus Conductors and general labourers. Dennis outlines his plan to Sita, he will immigrate to London aboard the Windrush or the S.S Ariga to create a new life for her and the children. Sita is taken aback, giving that she is pregnant again, she as also heard of the harsh winters. She eventually relents with the understanding that he will send for her at a later date ; they have never been apart before and Sita  prefers to bear the snow and ice to be reunited with her first love

It isn’t long before Dennis books Sita a cruise to London, the children are left with her mother Granny isadora. Basil assumes himself as the head of the



Dennis and Wayne 1968

Dennis and Wayne 1968

family. He later wastes no time on organising  his siblings in self-management. They hunt

birds catch fish and learn the basic culinary skills that are needed so as not to have to rely complete ly on Granny.


The boys are now at ease with becoming separated from their parents, they spend the majority of their time with Uncle IYADA,who is Sita’s younger brother. IYADA as did Sita , was raised in the church. He however is now a Rasta man. Their is much conflict between him and granny isadora who as promised Sita faithfully that she will make sure that the boy’s will remain in church and school. She endeavours to engrain her spirituality in the boys, which has been handed down generations dating back to slavery. She remains an avid born again Christian.  The boy’s introduced to this way of life , and it isn’t long before they are now absent from School and Church. The Brown Brothers being the nephew of Portland Cottages first Rasta man has its draw backs. The local boys hold them in as much contempt as they do Iyada, this leads t o altercations of unprecedented levels of violence much to granny  Isadoras dismay. on as number of occasions granny scolds Iyada for allowing the boys to smoke ganga from a chalice, he claims it is fort their spiritual awarness.