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The brothers migrate to London to join Dennis and Sita, the initial euphoria of travelling by plane was soon met with the ante climax of the harsh weather. The snow is ankle deep and it is bitterly cold. The boys are now in Brixton. on arrival home they are introduced to the modern trappings of 1960s Britain. There is the latest paraffin heater and also a small black and white television. The house as four stories and a basement, there is only one toilet and no bath. The landlord rents bed space as opposed to room space. the boys soon realise this is standard living for the majority of families. The white working class and Irish people are also residents of Somerleyton Road. The Brown Family lives here for nine months before they move onto Angell Road.

Basil quickly establishes himself as the school bully. He is getting into trouble on a daily basis for fighting; he progresses to setting up Tulse hill schools protection racket. Basil is inevitably sent to the Kiddligton Detention centre, for young offenders. He is taught how to box, it is not long before a certain RONALD KRAY spots his potential. they soon struck up a friendship that extends long after their release.

The untouchables

The untouchables

On Basil’s release he keeps in touch with Ronald Kray, he is given employment as a South london enforcer to the firm.The Krays are evidently in charge of the East End underworld and they now have aspirations of taking a slice of Brixton Market. They however are experiencing serious resistance from the stevenson brothers. Basil recruits his own gang to help the Krays establish a foothold in and around Brixton Market protection racket.


The story they said couldn’t be told

Greetings in the name of Jesus. The story they said couldn’t be told is now upon us. Victory is based on the true story, told over 4 decades of a traditional African-Caribbean family who emigrated to London in the Windrush years.

The story starts in Clarendon, Jamaica, in the 1952 and then takes you through a momentous series of events in the life of the Brown family, that at one point or another reflects on the history of the recent black experience in the UK.

An autobiographical story about my life with my family, the main characters are strong God-fearing grandmother, her daughter Sita, who marries her long time love, Dennis and their life together with their 7 sons and 4 daughters.

The plot centres around the first son, Basil and the seventh son, Wayne and reflects on the social changes in Britain over the last thirty years.


This is an escapist story that depicts the Brown family’s early life in Jamaica through to the rise of Basil in the Black Panther. Behind the scenes in Brixton, a God-fearing mother struggles to keep her family within the church. After being put in jail for standing up for his rights, Basil is mysteriously found dead on the eve of his release. Wayne, the seventh son then takes up a twenty two year personal investigation to find out the truth of what really happened. An investigation that takes him around the world.

Written in a witty and humorous but dramatic way, the film is unique in that this story has never been told by a black  producer. It also features a conglomeration of successful black British people who are icons in our society. Among the people I am liasing with are respected celebrities such as Lennox Lewis, Frank Bruno, Ian Wright and many more.

There will be excellent period music by a number of well known artists, may of whom have already been approached and are happy to work on the project.

Without pulling any punches, it depicts the birth of the Yardies in Brixton and at times makes New jack city look like Nobody’s day out.

I was once caught up in this short sweet life until one day and old school friend chased me with a Bible in his hand. From that day on my life has changed for the better.

The story is presented with an original twist, it is a tear-jerker but will also have you in stitches and will leave you refreshed with it’s non-patronising message, that we are all children of the Almighty and do must all unite to achieve on e common aim.

Victory promotes a positive aspect to all people as a whole, especially to our own people