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The brothers migrate to London to join Dennis and Sita, the initial euphoria of travelling by plane was soon met with the ante climax of the harsh weather. The snow is ankle deep and it is bitterly cold. The boys are now in Brixton. on arrival home they are introduced to the modern trappings of 1960s Britain. There is the latest paraffin heater and also a small black and white television. The house as four stories and a basement, there is only one toilet and no bath. The landlord rents bed space as opposed to room space. the boys soon realise this is standard living for the majority of families. The white working class and Irish people are also residents of Somerleyton Road. The Brown Family lives here for nine months before they move onto Angell Road.

Basil quickly establishes himself as the school bully. He is getting into trouble on a daily basis for fighting; he progresses to setting up Tulse hill schools protection racket. Basil is inevitably sent to the Kiddligton Detention centre, for young offenders. He is taught how to box, it is not long before a certain RONALD KRAY spots his potential. they soon struck up a friendship that extends long after their release.

The untouchables

The untouchables

On Basil’s release he keeps in touch with Ronald Kray, he is given employment as a South london enforcer to the firm.The Krays are evidently in charge of the East End underworld and they now have aspirations of taking a slice of Brixton Market. They however are experiencing serious resistance from the stevenson brothers. Basil recruits his own gang to help the Krays establish a foothold in and around Brixton Market protection racket.